Friday, February 25, 2011

February Tea Ceremony Demonstraton

Ready for Ryakubondate, photo by Lauraven Dodd

Four lovely people attended our latest Chanoyu demonstration last Sunday, including a young lady who had taken a weekend seminar at Humboldt State University in 2006.

Harvey explained procedures and a little history behind the ceremony. Laura did a great job in the mizuya -- and took this photo. I did Ryakubondate -- not particularly well, but that didn't seem to matter too much to our guests. I still enjoyed making the tea and we all enjoyed drinking it!

Our next tea gathering will be on March 20. If you're in the area, please join us!


Lauraven Dodd said...

You did just fine, Holly. One little omission was nothing.

Where in the World is Karla said...

Great rreading your post