Monday, June 10, 2013

'Give it Over To The Fire'

Pottery by Dave Zdrazil

Humboldt County artists open their studios to the public for North Coast Open Studios on the first two weekends in June. This is an annual "must-do" for us.

We usually make a long day of it, visiting as many studios as we can pack in. This year we were limited to just a single day, so we pared our list down to two husband/wife studios: Lorraine Lindley and Mark Young, and Shannon Sullivan and Dave Zdrazil. Mark and Dave's styles are very different, but their pottery is clearly influenced by a Japanese aesthetic. After visiting with these wonderful artists, I wrote a post for the North Coast Journal about our studio tours, 'Give it Over To The Fire.' More photos there too!


Stumbling Through the Internet

Discovered a couple new-to-me websites today and thought I'd share.
About chado, written by tea practitioner and instructor Lauren Deutsch.
About pottery, written by Minesota pottery artist Lee Love.