Monday, October 5, 2009
Matcha source update
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Chanoyu Glossary
It has wonderfully clear explanations, and many are accompanied by pictures. I'm considering printing a copy to keep with my notes.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
So, where do you get your Matcha?
Here are some sites I found while cruising for new tea sources. Any recommendations? Comments are welcome!
We have tried Ippodo teas and found them to be of very good quality. The tea was sent as a gift from Sensei in Japan. We have not ordered directly from them. Who'da thunk that you could buy matcha from amazon?? I'm tempted.
We bought Shizuoka Tea from vending machines in and around Shizuoka. Very tasty.
EDEN Organic Matcha
Chanoyu in Montréal
While planning activities for Montréal, I discovered that the Montreal Association of Chado Urasenke Tankokai offered demonstrations of Japanese Tea ceremony at the Botanical Gardens' Japanese Tea Garden. I determined to go, and made a day of it. ...
Her photos of the beautiful garden and impressions of having Tea are here at Lauraven's Miscellany...
Friday, August 21, 2009
These three bowls viewed together told a unique story that could not be conveyed by any of them individually.
Oribe, raku, modern -- reading about these tea bowls tugs at my heartstrings and I wish I could have held them too.
(Thanks for the link Kumi!)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Encyclopedia of Shinto
This is a good introduction to Shinto, an important influence on Chado and Japanese culture in general.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Kyoto Daily Photo: Another purpose of sensu, paper fun
Take time to enjoy other posts and photos.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Ku Day Ta
Celebrate Spring With Ku Day Ta Tea Lounge –Oolong April! Ku Day Ta has assembled a delicious variety of premium, fresh Oolong teas during the month of April. 15% off all Oolong teas from April 1st – April 30th.
Oolong Teas (pronounced Wu-Long, means "Black Dragon") are semi-fermented and express characteristics in-between Green and Black Teas. Because Oolong Teas have smooth, complex flavors, they are often a favorite among connoisseurs. Oolong teas have the health benefits of green tea. Oolongs can range from a buttery caramel taste, to milky, silky or smoky depending upon the type selected and region. The most widely coveted Oolongs are from Taiwan and China. Click here to register for our tea tasting or call us and make your reservation today! 408 935-9107 Visit our web site for more information.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Shizuoka blog
Bakumatsu koshashin
Just upload your photo then click the button to see yourself transported back in time!
After you've converted your entire iPhoto library, take a look at this Japanese language blog, It's where Harvey originally found Bakumatsu Koshashin. The rest of the site is interesting.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Ukiah spelled backward is...
Read more about it:
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Way of Tea in Tennessee
One of the gardens is the Japanese Garden of Tranquility (Seijaku-En) and also features a maple tree collection.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Socially networking
Friday, June 26, 2009
SF Asian Art Museum "Lords of the Samurai" exhibit through Sept. 20, 2009
The exhibition features more than 160 works from the Hosokawa family collection housed in the Eisei-Bunko Museum in Tokyo, and from Kumamoto Castle and the Kumamoto Municipal Museum in Kyushu. Objects on view include suits of armor, armaments (including swords and guns), formal attire, calligraphy, paintings, tea wares, lacquerware, masks, and musical instruments.
The Asian Art Museum is the only U.S. venue for this exhibition.
Tea wares!? A quick perusal of the website lead me to this link about Raku:
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Mumblings on Kakuzo Okakura’s 'The Book of Tea '
Many of the concepts that Okakura shared about Chado and its philosophy made lasting impressions with me. One example that I particularly liked was the Zen concept of the equal importance of small and large things. As Okakura states, seeing “the mundane as equal importance with the spiritual,” one can reach enlightenment even when doing the most menial activities (Okakura 28-29). This concept has had a lasting impression on my philosophy of life since I first read it many years ago. Another concept that Kakuzo Okakura touches on that impressed me was the comparison of a minimally decorated Tea room to that of listening to just one piece of music at a time. This enables someone to put their full attention to the piece of art being displayed (Okakura 39). I find myself daily, sitting in my Tea room focusing my whole attention on some piece of artwork that one of my kids made or a flower arrangement my spouse gave me. The bare quality of a Tea room encompasses time and space that promotes reflections on the important aspects in life.
The comparisons that Okakura illustrates between Western and Eastern cultures and the tone he writes in suggests that the ideals of Tea could be better understood by Japanese versus Westerners. Okakura asserts “the average Westerner, in his sleek complacency, will see in the tea ceremony but another instance of the thousand and one oddities of the East to him (Okakura 2).” In addition, from the comparison of interior decorations (40-41) and flower arrangements (Okakura 52-53) as well as to the ways of life of the Japanese peasants and meanest laborers (Okakura 2), he remains attached to the notion that the essence of Chado could be most appreciated by the Japanese. It made me feel he has not grasped the Zen aspect of non-attachment in the Way of Tea, which is one of the most important aspects of the way of tea. The essence of Chado transcends culture and can be found in all tenants of life.
In contrast, an author that shows non-attachment to his culture is Soshitsu Sen XV in his book Tea Life, Tea Mind. Soshitsu Sen XV states that “our spirit should flow through life like the wind that flows through all of nature. Identifying with nature in this matter necessarily creates a state of mind with a detached objective quality (Soshitsu Sen 66).” He continues to provide an example of an American acquaintance who was using a pair of metal chopsticks as a wind chime (Soshitsu Sen 67). The acquaintance was able to see another beautiful use for an object that others did not see. One must approach Chado in this spirit because the essence of Chado can be experienced from many perspectives and cultures.
The Book of Tea is an in-depth source for the history and philosophy of Teaism. Okakura shares many wonderful anecdotes reflecting on the Way of Tea and Eastern Way of Life. Many of the concepts that he shares about Chado and its philosophy made lasting impressions with me and have been implemented in my life since I first shared a bowl of tea many years ago. All people have the ability to fully appreciate the underlying tenets of Teaism.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
German Tea
If you're not fluent (like me) go to Bablefish and translate the website. Which is also very groovy.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tea Practice, 28 April
At Kristin's house
Kristin doing usucha
Pia bringing flowers.
H2 bringing furo, sensu, kaishi etc.
Dhar: Shokyaku
Laura: Dhar's giude
Dan: Makkyaku
Pia: Dan's guide
Holly: Describe tanka
H, K, L, P: be ready for haiken
Others who show up will be set to different tasks and second rounds of tea.
For everyone: remember to bring your regular items, socks etc., AND your notebooks and pen, blue chado books, AND. at least one haiku that you have written.
pax, H2 MuGai
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Princess Taiping rammed by unknown vessel
"Hello all
Bad news, the Princess Taiping capsized off the coast of Taiwan, near Suao. All were rescued. We hope to hear from Angela and the rest of the crew soon. Our thoughts are with you.
Here is the url of the article:
Amy, Dennis Sean, Ryan Lily"
The Princess Taiping, a replica Chinese junk, was struck by an unknown vessel and sunk off the coast of Taiwan. She had nearly completed her round-trip of the Pacific Ocean.
The Princess Taiping visited Humboldt Bay, Eureka, in October 2008 (see Previous Posts, below). Harvey and the crew enjoyed friendly maritime exchanges of tea, chess and boat talk, and we exchanged ensigns with the captain and crew.
Here's a more detailed story on The China Post:
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- “We all but made it,” Nelson Liu bemoaned yesterday…
A replica 16th-Century junk has sunk off Taiwan, one day short of completing an epic voyage to the US and back.…
We're very grateful to the Taiwanese Coast Guard for rescuing the crew of the Princess Taiping but deeply saddened at the loss of their beautiful ship.
Facebook Group: search for "Sailing Yacht Princess Taiping"
Previous Horaizons posts:
HSU to host Chinese junk skipper
Chinese ship replica visits Humboldt
Photo album
Friday, April 10, 2009
Ohanami Tea
A flurry of activity always precedes the quiet of chado, and this morning was no different. We gathered up dogu, made a batch of sakura mochi to share. Just as we were getting ready to leave the house, I turned to Harvey in a panic, "Wait! I forgot chabana!" I started to get my garden shears and was headed towards the back door when he stopped me.
"Honey," he said with a hint of exasperation, pausing for emphasis. "You'll be under a cherry tree."
Oh. Right.
From Ohanami Tea 04/05/09 |
We enjoyed tea under the cherry tree, with buzzing bees and hummingbirds and a curious cat. The tea color was so much brighter in the sunshine than in the dim light of our chashitsu.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Titanium chawan?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Harvey's homework assignment: Listen to the 'Book of Tea'
It is very easy, almost painless, unless you do it all while in seiza, but an important one. Please respond when you have finished.
Your homework assignment is to listen to The Book of Tea by Okakura Kakuzo. (It WOULD be better if you read along in the book while you are listening to it, but…) Here is the link to the book on LIBRIVOX:
Scroll down to find the Zip file.
Un-Zip the file.
You can throw away the Zipped file.
Save the Un-Zipped folder.
Open I-Tunes. Drag the files into I-Tunes. I use a separate Playlist for each Book.
Be careful to check that the chapters are in the correct sequence. Sometimes they get shuffled in the download/unzipping process.
After listening, please be prepared to share impressions, insights, agreements or disagreements with the author’s ideas and comments.
This work can be very helpful to your way of Tea.
Ponder this deeply.
P.S. Gripes and complaints will be gratefully accepted. Yea, I know I'm a **@@*)&^)*^%@#$!.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
NY Times: With Explosions of Color, Tibetan Art Flourishes
The monasteries in the mountain valley of Sengeshong, China, are some of the most important centers of art in the Tibetan world. Read full story...
Monday, March 30, 2009
A Drink for a Smaller Waist
Here’s an easy way to turn a routine workout into a powerful waist-whittler: Drink green tea.
– A tip from
Friday, March 20, 2009
Rykubondate practice, March 17

Chabana, March 17 – flowering quince
Last week, we set up the chashitsu with two furo for tea practice so two people could make tea at a time. It was cozy with two furo in a four-and-a-half mat room. Because of the new configuration we had to make some adjustments, but since two people at a time could make tea more people got to practice.
Friday, March 13, 2009
What exactly is a chaboo? It's a sweet little table from designer Ken Tomita named after the Japanese word for low table (chabudai) and what it's made from (bamboo). Even sweeter is that Tomita didn't keep this minimalist creation all to himself. He invited other artists and designers to put their touches on these tables or reinterpret the design from scratch. The results show just how much variation creative folks can produce on a single simple theme. And the online gallery might inspire a custom remix of your own.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Tsagaan sar!
I got the impression that Tsagaan sar seems to be a progressive party with family groups going from ger to ger during the course of the celebrations which last for several weeks and involve eating and drinking to excess. For instance, one night you and your family would come to my place tonight, we'd give you gifts and feed you. Lots. Then tomorrow, I and mine would come to your place and you'd reciprocate. Mongolians are generous and hospitable to a fault, sometimes going hungry themselves when hospitality requires them to entertain a guest. It seems no one is ever turned away from a ger, and always welcomed with tea and whatever food is available. (It's common for us to call Mongolian homes yurts because that's what occupying Russians called them, but the correct Mongolian word is ger, pronouced "gare".)
Ganaa, Ricardo, Susan and David all shared stories of Mongolia. After dinner, Ganaa and Susan shared pictures on the computer.
Here are some nifty links:
Naturally, we ate and drank to excess. I believe I need an aspirin.
Paper Hina-ningyo for Hinamatsuri
You can download the pdf, then print and cut out the tiny paper figures, then glue it up to make a three-tier display. I don't recommend this unless you have sharp scissors or xacto blade, magnifying glasses and an obsessive-compulsive personality. However, the figures are beautifully drawn and it's darling without being exceptionally cutesy. Also on the same website are paper crafts for other Japanese holidays, which promise to be equally challenging.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Silver lining
From: <>
Date: Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 11:14 AM
Subject: Responding to your message
Dear Mrs. Harvey:
Thank you for writing to express your support for the inclusion of funding for the arts in H.R.1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. I appreciate hearing your views on this critical bill, which has passed Congress and was signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009.
H.R.1 will inject $787 billion into our economy through tax cuts and spending on projects to save and create jobs. It will make significant investments in vital infrastructure projects, give much-needed aid to our states, and help to create and save millions of American jobs.
The final legislation includes $50 million appropriated to the National Endowment for the Arts. In turn, the NEA will fund arts projects and activities in order to preserve jobs in the non-profit arts sector currently being threatened by a decline in philanthropic and other support during the economic downturn.
Again, thank you for writing to me on this important issue. Be assured that I will keep doing all I can to help get America's economy back on track. I will continue working with the Obama Administration and my Senate colleagues to enact legislation to stimulate growth, create jobs, and make American businesses more competitive in the global economy.
Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
Please visit my website at
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tea and Tea People
I can hardly imagine the tea collection she describes -- it sounds fabulous!
Tea practice, Feb. 24

Tea practice on Tuesday was ryakubondate. Laura was teishu for Kristin (shokyaku), Harvey (jikyaku) and Holly (makyaku). I was impressed with how much more naturally Laura made tea this week than last week, with smoother motions and less hesitation.
We used the "temari ball" chawan and orange natsume with flower designs. Flowering quince is blooming. It's one of my favorite flowers for chabana.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Live forward
Please also take a minute to visit the sweetpersimmon blog's sister website,
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Nifty Tea Ceremony Website
One more reason to spend time online.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Make tea on your birthday
Here's the mizuya after chashitsu cleaning a couple weeks ago:
Friday, January 30, 2009
Waka wish

Going to Japan
tea practice and birdwatching
with good company
Gardens and temples and food
old friends and new friends meeting
Spring two thousand ten…
Composed by the Tuesday Tea Folk while painting Daruma's eye. Help us complete the verse?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Shiny and clean
Friday, January 23, 2009
Give to the Ink People when you shop the Co-Op!
Humboldt locals can provide a donation to the Ink People each time we shop at the Northcoast Co-Op in Arcata or Eureka. (The Ink People is the big mamma arts organization that took Horai under its wing.) Simply use the member number "85802" when you make your purchase and Inkers get some green. It's an easy way to donate to the arts and support the organization that fosters us.
If you're not in the area, you can still support the Ink People by becoming a member: Go to the Ink People's website, download the membership form (PDF) and join. And if you have spare change rattling in your pocket, please make a separate donation to the Ink People for Horai. It will help us to purchase tea or sweets for tea practice, or items such as chakin, sensu, kaishi... or whatever else we might need to do a demonstration. Buddah thanks you, and so do we.
Community Groups Selected for 1% Register Donation Program
The Gifting Committee of the North Coast Co-op’s Cooperative Community Fund (CCF) approved 48 non-profit organizations to participate in receiving donations from shoppers at the register, 12 more than last year. How it works: A Co-op shopper tells their cashier the number for the non-profit organization they want to donate to. The cashier enters that number into the register and one percent of the total is automatically added to the shopper's transaction. Membership is not required. A list of groups is posted at each register. The one percent donation is kept in the non-profit organization’s account and donations are distributed twice throughout the program year (July 1 though June 30). The next application period is Spring 2009.
In addition to the 28 previously participating groups, new groups include 4-H TRAIL, Campus Center for Appropriate Technology (CCAT), Friends of the Annie & Mary Rail-trail, Hospice of Humboldt, Humboldt Pride, KHSU, McKinleyville Youth Center, Miranda's Rescue, North Coast Regional Land Trust, Pregnancy Care Center of the North Coast, Redwood Coast Children's Chorus, Salmon Creek Community School, Sequoia Humane Society, Sequoia Park Zoo, Serenity Inn, St. Joseph Hospital Foundation, Sustainable Nations, The Ink People Center for the Arts, Trails Trust of Humboldt Bay, and World Shelters.
Donations to program groups fund operational costs and specific projects in the community. To view details for each program visit and go to Donations. Scroll down to the Register Donation Program area at the bottom of the page. Monitor how much each group earns by clicking on the link “Click here to look up info on current program participants.”
CCF is a permanent endowment established and directed by members of the North Coast Co-op, which awards grants to support projects and the work of community organizations in Humboldt County. Through collaborative grant making the Fund seeks to strengthen the community by emphasizing projects and activities that promote democratic cooperative principles, community development and food security.
Register Donation Program Groups and Their Numbers for 2008-2009
4-H Leaders Council
AmeriCorps Watershed Stewards Project
Arcata Children's Centers
Arcata House
CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates)
CCAT (Campus Center for Appropriate Technology
CAFF (Community Alliance with Family Farmers)
CCF (Co-op Community Fund)
Democracy Unlimited
Food for People
Friends of the Annie & Mary Rail-trail
Friends of the Dunes
HCAR (Humboldt Community Access & Resource Center)
Hospice of Humboldt
Humboldt Arts Council
Humboldt Community Breast Health Project
Humboldt County Red Cross
Humboldt Domestic Violence
Humboldt Library Foundation
Humboldt Mediation Services
Humboldt Pride
Humboldt Senior Resource Center
Humboldt Wildlife Care Center
Lost Coast Camp
Making Headway
McKinleyville Youth Center
Miranda's Rescue
North Coast Regional Land Trust
Pregnancy Care Center of the North Coast
Queer Humboldt
RCAA Youth Services Bureau
Redwood Coast Children's Chorus
Renewable Energy Student Union
Salmon Creek Community School
Sequoia Humane Society
Sequoia Park Zoo
Serenity Inn
Six Rivers Planned Parenthood
St. Josheph Hospital Foundation
Sustainable Nations
The Ink People Center for the Arts
Trails Trust of Humboldt Bay
Tri-County Independent Living
World Shelters
Y.E.S. (Youth Educational Services)
US/Japan Creative Artists Residency
US/Japan Creative Artists Residency
Japan-US Friendship CommissionEach year leading contemporary and traditional artists from the United States spend five months in Japan as part of the United States/Japan Creative Artists Program. They go as seekers, as cultural visionaries, and as living liaisons to the traditional and contemporary cultural life of Japan. The outlook they bring home provides an unparalleled opportunity to promote cultural understanding between the United States and Japan.
Cultural understanding is at the heart of this program. It provides funds for up to five artists to complete the residency in Japan. Artists are free to interact with Japanese artists anywhere in the country and to pursue activities of greatest relevance to their creative process. While many artists chose to remain in Tokyo, others have undertaken their residencies in Kyoto or other cities, and still others have worked in rural settings or have visited a number of sites relevant to their work.
While artists will be predominantly on their own upon their arrival in Tokyo, International House of Japan provides in-depth orientation materials, expert advice and professional contacts, as well as logistical support during the residency period.
The Japan-US Friendship Commission works cooperatively with the National Endowment for the Arts to sponsor this program.
Grant Award
Each artist will receive:
- a monthly stipend of 400,000 yen for living expenses, 100,000 yen a month as a housing supplement, and up to 100,000 yen a month for professional support services. (While the yen value may fluctuate against the dollar, applicants should be assured that these funds will cover the cost of living and working in Japan.)
- a total of up to $6,000 for round-trip transportation for the artist, domestic partner and / or unmarried children (up to age 18) and a baggage/storage allowance, and any pre-departure Japanese language study in the United States.
Because of the limited number of awards, only one residency will be supported for artists who apply as a collaborative team. In addition, while artists may wish to apply for other grants concurrently with the application to this program, selected artists may not hold a second award for financial assistance during the period of support of the US /Japan Creative Artists-EProgram.
See program guidelines for more information, or the website for general info.
Grant link:
Deadline: 02-01-2009
Greetings from Kansas
Hello everyone,
Things I've missed
| TEA TALES: Flower teas go well with other teas 10/22/2008 - Chinese tea is not all about those green leaves. There's a small category generally known as flower tea that includes many kinds of flowers you could find in China. |
| TEA TALES: Esteemed tea began as a mistake 01/21/2009 - Pu'er tea: It has medicinal powers as well as being a tea. It's considered a “drinkable antique.” Its value increases over time, like some stocks. |
09/03/2008 - Experts in Chinese tea history have concluded that during the Tang Dynasty, there were three events of major significance. One was “The Book of Tea,” written by Lu Yu.