Shizue Harada’s poignant poems, (pen name Sanae) along with artwork created by her granddaughter Amy Uyeki, are the subject of a poetry reading of
Sanae, Senryu Poet: Her Life in 5-7-5, read by Amy and editor Aiko Uyeki, Sanae’s daughter.
Following the poetry reading, the Uyekis will conduct a workshop exploring
senryu and
haiga, which combines poetry with artwork.
Wed., Sept. 15, 2010
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Price: Free
Where: Library Fishbowl (Room 209), Humboldt State University Campus
(download a campus map [pdf])
For more details, contact Kumi Watanabe-Schock
email (707) 826-5656